The unemployed guide to keeping the cash flowing.
Over the past three months on my unemployed journey I have had to find ways to keep the bacon coming home (god forbid I change my lifestyle or anything!). Now I've worked all the conventional angles. I went through the cashed out vacation, last months commission, got my tax return and spent it like a good American, sold off a few unneeded belongings, I even cut back on a few things! Stuff like the wine club, the real nice booze (I'm not drinking Mad Dog or anything, but I have made some sacrifices), once weekly spending spree on clothes, the twice daily Starbucks/Stumptown runs! You know, things I can get by without for a little while.
Even with all these cut backs, I still have a few things that absolutly should be paid for... like rent, you know, stuff like that. So what's a young unemployed lad with a bum shoulder from that stupid snowboarding trip supposed to do?
Well, I've come up with a few things that could help everyone out, job or no job. Now I haven't yet put all these ideas to test, but it's my theory that one could garner some extra cash by trying out a few here and there.
Pick up some sweet day labor gigs outside Home Depot or East Burnside-- Some argue that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs from hard working Americans. If that's the case, why are there no white guys out there with an unemployment rate checking in at over 12% or more? I for one, am not afraid to throw my hat in the ring and do some real work for a few bucks. I'd just rather not get my jeans dirty if at all possible. Best of all it's under the table kind of cash. It would probably help if you knew a little Spanish so you can spend the hours chatting up the other guys on the corner.
Medical lab test subject--So maybe you'll some have weird side effects, like your hair falling out or oily stools? You are just as likely to get the placebo than the real thing! Besides, they pay a ton of cash for you to be some doctors lab rat.
Donate blood--They tell you to donate so you feel like you are doing something good for humanity, but they still pay you! So go hang out in the blood bank for a while. You'll get free cookies, and you can feel good about saving someones life. Plus it will take much less beer to get drunk! Talk about a good day!
If we are talking about donating stuff...
Donate your 'seed' ;)--You're going to do it anyway, why not get some cash? And this goes for the ladies can make way more for yours! Although I hear it really sucks...actually, I'm not sure if I'd recommend this for you ladies... but hey, it's an option!
Donate your roommates' belongings on Craigslist--For a nominal fee of course. They will totally understand when the TV and living room furniture are missing.
Participate in any "study" you can--Whatever it is, just make sure you are getting paid and you don't have to do anything terribly immoral...unless your into that. I got paid $50 just for looking at some corporate website and telling them that it was just "ok". It took 15 mins and I left with a check in my hand.
Need a male "model"?--Now if you are answering these querys on Craigslist, you might want to clarify exactly what they have in mind... again, unless you are into that stuff. Commercials and TV shows are always needing extras, and Portland is a pretty good place to find a gig like this. You don't always have to be chiseled out of stone to land something along these lines, just be open minded and yourself.
Ask friends if they could utilize your skills or vast amount of idle time--I am guessing some folks out there have specialized skills that they had been performing for some huge company and getting paid pennies on the dollar. Well, now is your chance to really get paid for what you can do! Maybe you design websites or can build a lush garden in the worst of conditions, people you know need these skills and until you offer them up, they are just paying someone else to do it! Now, for those like myself with no one real skill we do have something very valuable to our employed time! All the time in the world to be specific! Your friends don't have this, that makes it something to sell! Take their dogs out for a walk during the day, clean their house, cook dinner and leave it in the icebox for when they get home, whatever! All you have to do is get a bit creative and offer it up at a competitive rate, then sit back and watch the green flow into your pocket. It might even lead to a new full time business for you!
I will let you know if I try out anything else that results in some benjamins or at least a good laugh on my expense. If you've got any ideas please let us know! Also, if anyone wants me to make them dinner give me a call...but it will cost you...something!